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ECCS Trainings
System Asset and Gap Analysis (SAGA) Training
Description: The Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems (ECCS) System Asset and Gap Analysis (SAGA) was submitted to HRSA in October 2022, and examined the landscape of the PA’s maternal and early childhood with a specific focus on the prenatal to age three (P–3) population, particularly identifying assets and gaps that either promote or inhibit early developmental health and family wellbeing. The ECCS System Asset and Gap Analysis is intended to inform development of the ECCS Maternal and Early Childhood Strategic Plan to effectively priorities, objectives, and implementation timelines within OCDEL’s ECCS Project and among its partners. The strategies implemented to gather the data in this report helped the ECCS Team assess partnerships, coordinated data sharing, leadership structures, and funding alignments.
This overview webinar digs deep into the ECCS System Asset and Gap Analysis process, themes and findings identified and next steps in utilizing the findings to inform the ECCS Maternal and Early Childhood Strategic Plan.
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